Thursday 13 December 2012

Creative Thinking Skills


- This is my first idj sketch, which is me a monster, regarding the idj theme. So, i'm a bat-like creature with spiky wings which allows me to soar into high skies, a long thick tail for the body balance coordination and also for protection use, which I will whack my enemies with my strong tail. I have strong limbs, pretty much muscular arms and legs. And also, a unicorn horn at the top of my head for communicating purposes, telepath it is. Lastly, the diamond shaped crystal at my forehead will work as my mind or life source, it is the core of my entire body, without it I am nothing.

- This is a mindmap of my monster, it briefs on my biography, explaining of details regarding my abilities, preferences on food, activities and climate.


-This is my second idj, based on the theme which is monster city. Thus, I've came out with an idea of creating a wooden city to match my monster, who is me, as my habitat or place of living with the same species population. This city is not a forest of trees, it is actually more like the recent eras buildings in our human world which is built of cement, but this wooden city is high-rises and towers which is made of wood. It wasn't built in this monster world actually, it is watered like a plant at the ground, and it gradually grows into a wooden building instead of it growing into a tree. That is basically how the city was born and how it works.

-This is another sketch of my idj2, it is the one from the above, but I drew it as in like a zooming view of my monster city, to show more detail of my city. As you can see in this picture, there is a magnifying glass zooming nearer to the building units. Other monster which is in the same species as me, is flying around the city. And monsters living their lives like us humans in their apartments. So, this brings more like a community of monsters living their lives in this wooden city.

-This is another mindmap about my monster city. It explains and briefs about my origin and history of my wooden city. Then it also shows how the community works in the city. I drew a big tree mindmap to relate with my monster city theme, which is a wooden city.

- This is my pet, which means this is the monster's(me) pet. It has greenish fur throughout it's whole body until the point around it's limbs and it's tail. It has purple paws and legs, so as a purple tail with a red jade ball hovering at it's tail tip. It has black eyes with natural tattoos like tears flowing out of it's eyes.

- This is a mindmap to introduce and explain about the pet's personality and biography. It's powers and abilities were explained too, so as details on what the pet likes and dislikes.

- This is a short passage of a storyline on how the monster(me) met this pet, and how a master and it's pet build up bonds together ever since the day they met each other. The main point of this passage is actually the pet ended up became a bodyguard too instead of just being a normal pet. That is because the pet could use it's natural obtained powers to provide protection for it's master, which is the monster(me).
IDJ 4 

- This is a drawing of a battle tournament between monsters, this is regarding on my idj3 theme, monster event. This is an event of pet owners who send out their pets to participate in this battle tournament by using each of their powers to knock down opponents.

- This is a mindmap of the monster event, which is the monster battle tournament. It pretty much explains about how the battle works, the objectives and what it is all about. Rules and regulations of this tournament were briefed in the mindmap too.

Project 1- Mind-mapping and Brainstorming



 - This is a sketch of a pair of hands holding onto an eyeball, related to the song 'Can't take my eyes off of you'.
 - This is a drawing of a butterfly with a pair of eyes at it's wings. And a couple hugging below the butterfly.
 - This is a sketch and colour of a hand grasping onto an eyeball, can't take that eyeball out of grasp.
 - This is a sketch of a woman wearing a butterfly mask, speechless with no mouth on her face due to love that silent her.
 - This is a mindmap of the song title 'Can't take my eyes off of you'. It explains about the content and the value of the song is all about.
Project 2- Onamotopoeia
* The blogger doesn't allow me to upload the onamotopoeia video, sorry for the inconvenience. The video will be in the cd in my book cover*
Project 3- Public Service Awareness
- This is my group's PSA video, it's about stop habits of hurting yourself due to stress. Have a look on the video:) 
Project 4- Rube Goldberg Machine
- This is my rube Goldberg machine video, I've took a week to complete it. Take a look:)
- Gan Jian Yuen 0311267








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